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GateKeeper® Nonreactive Gas Purifiers

GateKeeper® Nonreactive Gas Purifiers

Cost-effective, environmentally friendly gas purification

Consistently delivers ultrapure gas
Designed for use with SF6, O2 , N2 O and O2 /inert gas mixtures. The purifiers remove CO2 and H2 O to sub-ppb (part-per-billion) levels; NMHCs to sub-ppt (part-per-trillion) levels.
Guards against bulk gas purifier breakthrough, impurity spikes from liquid storage tanks, cylinder changeouts and unexpected contaminants in the process
Does not release hydrocarbons that may contaminate the process
Uses ambient temperature purification technology – no power or heat required
Low pressure drop across purifiers



Materials of construction: 316L stainless steel, electropolished 10 Ra
Media: Specialty inorganic oxides
Gases purified: SF6, CO2, O2, N2O, O2 / inert gas mixture
Outlet purity: <1 ppb CO2, H2O; only H2O is removed from SF6 and CO2; <1 ppt nonmethane hydrocarbons
Outlet particle filtration: 0.003 μm
Maximum differential pressure: 1379 kPa (200 PSID)
Minimum operating pressure: 101 kPa (14.7 PSIA)
Maximum flow rates: See datasheet.
Leak rating: 1 × 10-9 atm cc/sec.
Maximum inlet challenge of contaminant to maintain product efficiency: 10 ppm (part-per million)
Lifetime: One year at nominal flow rate with 1 ppm inlet challenge of moisture
Maximum operating temperature: 65°C (149°F)
